
Saturday, August 10, 2019

The philosophy on educational Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The philosophy on educational - Essay Example The concept of philosophy was influential in helping Myles Horton to start up learning centers for example; in schools people share dreams and interests while living together. This is based on his definition of a democratic society as one with provisions for positive participation by all in equal terms with secure flexibility (Kohl, Myles and Kohl 1905-90). Since he appreciated the value of education he formed different education centers that led to the spread of citizenship schools to most remote parts in the south and thus helping residents mostly Africans to become literate and qualified to vote. This helped in advancing civil rights movements in 1960s by bringing together coal miners and textile workers. Sharing of ideas and use of the knowledge taught enabled people to challenge and face the negative social problems affecting their lives, boosted and advanced of civil rights, helped workers to form trade unions and cooperatives, helped to make homeless people realize, know and achieve their constitutional rights. The value of education helped to fulfill his determination to see the school he envisioned involve, serve and help poor people in employment and ethnic dissension and in finding ways to gain self-esteem, independence and integrity. Horton organized and appreciated immense transformations in political and social philosophy that enabled restoration of economic prosperity and encouraged patriotism and civic responsibility among the people. One does not need to know the answers to people’s problems but that there are a great deal of views and opinions that people can collectively contribute to build the society. This implies that it is quite crucial to discuss problems in a bid to find viable solutions. Highlander concentrated in inviting the poor who needed sponsorship in order to attend the education centers and learn among other things, their rights in order to overcome the oppression and to learn to handle their problems and

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